Research Data Analyst
Worked on the development of the theoretical and conceptual foundations for IOI’s work in advocating for more open and community-owned infrastructures. Conducted interviews and focus groups with various stakeholders in the space including funders, institutions, and infrastructure providers and launched the [Catalog of Open Infrastructure Services] ( (COIs).
PhD, Critical Citation Studies (Individualized Interdisciplinary Studies)
Research exploring the concept of critical citation studies with empirical work on the social and technical dimensions of scholarly infrastructure. Established collaborations outside of reseach with infrastructure and open source organizations.
MSc in Cognitive Science (partial)
Completed a year abroad at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia). Completed all coursework towards degree; thesis pending.
BSc, Electronics
Term abroad at the University of Loughborough (UK) in 2013
Exploring the concept of Critical Citation Studies with focus on the social and technical dimensions of scholarly infrastructures.
Development of an open source data specification for scholarly metrics.
Competitively-awarded invitation to OpenCon (Washington D.C., USA) and travel grant.
Travel grant to attend RDA 2015 (Paris, France) as an early career researcher.
INiTS awards innovative scientific works with prospect for economic applicability.
A list of publications is available online: